Tips & Techniques
Betterdays in Full Swing

Planting Calendar – Zone 1

Step 1: Find your zone

Enter a valid zipcode.

Step 2: Choose your plants

Step 3: Explore your planting calendar

Scroll below to learn more about the plants you selected including whether they’re suited for your planting zone, whether you should start indoors or sow directly, and how many days until they’re ready to harvest. Now that is what we call Betterdays!


When it comes to planting vegetation in Zone 1, following a growing calendar is a must as Zone 1, found primarily in Alaska, requires a bit of extra work and attention. With minimum average temperatures between -60 and -50 degrees F, knowing what to plant is crucial as plants need to have more hardiness to survive the extreme temperatures found in planting Zone 1. Ultimately, the tundra-like environment of Zone 1 can be a challenge for even the most experienced gardener, but by choosing the vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers that are suited to the weather, you’re able to kickstart your efforts and have a flourishing garden, even if it is for a brief time.

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