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Tips and Techniques - 151 results found

Tips and Techniques

The Best Sprinkler for Rectangle Lawns

Whether you have a small or large rectangle lawn area, Gilmour’s rectangular sprinklers will get the job done. With an adjustable width coverage from 8-59 ft, up to 4,000 square feet in coverage, and customizable direction and length of spray settings, we’ll keep your lawn looking lush. Plus with the on/off switch on the sprinkler, […]

Growing Lush, Green, Crisp Lettuce

If you’re looking to start a vegetable garden, lettuce is a great place to start! Here are our top tips for planting and harvesting lettuce of all types.

Winter Lawn Care Tips

Winter lawn care requires less attention, but should not be forgotten. Be sure to prep your lawn for winter during the fall to avoid dead grass in the Summer.

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